Agatha Oddly written by Leena Jones is a marvelous series for kids under the age of 13. A detective named Agatha Oddly goes on three journeys. This book isn't scary and has no poor language or inappropriate themes. The book has an easy and understandable form of writing.
The novel doesn’t focus on the murder as much, the story mostly focuses on the detective section and Agatha's social life. The story also focuses on how Agatha copes with the recent loss of her mother. This novel is great for kids who would enjoy reading detective books and love a bit of mystery.
In this book, Agatha finds more regarding her mother's death, and about the secrets around her. She’s been waiting as long as she can remember to solve her first real case. The text also shows true friendship and the things friends do for each other.
My star rating:
Appropriateness (course language, scary scenes, mature themes for children under 13)
This book has no course language and like I said before the “bad guy scenes” only last about two pages. There’s no adult themes as well.
Progress: The progress is not too fast. Easy to keep track of what's going on. Sometimes can drone on a bit about unimportant things.
Writing Style: I like the writing style easy to read and not too many hard words to understand. But still could have been a bit less kiddish.
Plot: The plot in this narrative is a little bit relatable. I remember always wanting to be a detective when I was little! The layout of this story is good and there is always a twist.
Overall I think that Agatha Oddly (The Secret Key) is a good book and I highly recommend reading it.
If you think you’re going to enjoy this book then check out what else this author has written:
Lena Jones has written a series of Mysteries. I haven’t read them so I can’t tell you what it’s about but the series includes 10 mystery books. I think this series is meant for slightly older children 10 plus.
Hope you enjoyed my review. If you have any feedback please write it down in the comments. Thank you!
- Jamilah